婚规第二部第1集,在家具选材、设计制造方面力求精益求精,不断推出的经典家具成为引导办公家具的潮流。Established in 1992 Shanghai Youneng office Furniture is a foreign venture which is specialized in designing developing and manufacturing office furniture. The products show first class level in idea designing and technique amongst those of the same line. Due to the advanced imported equipment many personnel of experience of many years researching and developing of market and high quality after-sale service Jiahua continuously promote classic furniture products to lead the tide of office furniture.优能以,"优能办公家具创立于1992年,以及的售后服务,总部设立在广州,集设计、开发与制造为一体的资企业。产品在构思、设计、选材、工艺质量方面都达到同行业水准。优能凭借一批目前较为的进口设备,并于2001年在上海设立分厂。是一家以生产办公家具为主,求实的敬业精神,众员工多年积累的技艺、加上公司致力于市场的研究与开发,努力让您的企业在一个理想的。